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Design Thinking


GAP 인증 해풍맞은 올레길 당도선별 감귤, 3kg, 1개


오늘은 MBA 과정에서 자주 접하게 되는 HBR Case 중 하나인 "Design Thinking"에 대해서 알아보겠습니다.


Design thinking is a discipline that uses the designer’s sensibility and methods to match 

people’s needs with what is technologically feasible and what a viable business 

strategy can convert into customer value and market opportunity. 


Getting Beneath the Surface

Rather than asking designers to make an already developed idea more attractive to consumers, companies are asking them to create ideas that better meet consumers' needs and desires. The former role is tactical and results in limited value creation: the latter is strategic and leads to dramatic new forms of value.


시에로 젤러시 아카이브 립플럼퍼 3.3g, 젤러시 레드, 1개


How Design Thinking Happens

Design projects must ultimately pass through three spaces

We label these “inspiration” for the circumstances (be they a problem, an opportunity, 

or both) that motivates the search for solutions;

“ideation” for the process of generating, developing, and testing ideas that may

lead to solutions; “implementation” for the charting of a path to market. 

Projects will loop back through these spaces –particularly the first two – 

more than once as ideas are refined and new directions taken.


GAP 인증 해풍맞은 올레길 당도선별 감귤, 3kg, 1개

Taking a Systems View

Many of the world’s most successful brands create breakthrough ideas that are inspired by a deep understanding of consumers’ lives and use the principles of design to innovate and build value. Sometimes innovation has to account for

vast differences in cultural and socioeconomic conditions. 

In such cases, design thinking can suggest creative alternatives

to the assumptions made in developed societies


Getting Back to the Surface 

Great design satisfies both our needs and our desires. 

Often the emotional connection to a product or an image is what engages us in the first

place. Time and again we see successful products that were not necessarily the first to market but were the first to appeal to us emotionally and functionally. 

In other words, they do the job and we love them. 

The iPod was not the first MP3 player, but it was the first to be delightful. 

Target’s products appeal emotionally through design and functionally through

As more of our basic needs are met, we increasingly expect sophisticated

experiences that are emotionally satisfying and meaningful.

These experiences will not be simple products. They will be complex combinations of products, services, spaces, and information. They will be the ways we get educated, the ways we are entertained, the ways we stay healthy, the ways we share, and communicate.

Design thinking is a tool for imagining these experiences as well as giving them a desirable form


시에로 젤러시 아카이브 립플럼퍼 3.3g, 젤러시 레드, 1개

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